Authenticity by Tomasina Chupco

In this day and age, many of us may struggle with our sense of identity and our rightful place in the world. You are certainly not alone if you find yourself searching for who you are. The exact definition is being genuine, original, and real. You are born to be authentic, so do not worry if you miss a few steps in finding your purpose. You will always be drawn back to who you are; it’s up to you to go with it or resist it. We all have free will.


What is the main reason why we are uncomfortable with showing the world who we truly are? Judgment and approval.

When one becomes vulnerable with themselves and their desires on how they want to be represented in the world, approval from others tends to fall by the wayside. 

The secret is to detach yourself from the opinions that may come your way about who you truly want to become. It may sound easier than what it is, and it takes much practice, but it is doable. 


Now that we understand what may be blocking us from stepping into our power of authenticity, we must work on unblocking patterns and mindsets. This may get UGLY, but it’s most definitely needed. I like to call this “shadow work”ー all the fears and insecurities that we have must be worked through to finally discover who you truly are. That’s the point, right? To confidently step into our true selves. 


Journaling is a safe practice that helps us put our thoughts on paper, tapping into our subconscious wants and needs. 

Grab a pen and paper. Let’s deep dive into our thoughts. 


1.        How do I see myself when I am genuinely ME? How do they look, walk, and talk?

2.        How do you feel when I am genuinely showing up?  Confident, afraid, funny?

3.        How does the inauthentic you interact with others vs. the authentic you?

4.        What’s blocking you from being you?

5.        Who do I most admire, and why?

Take a breath if you are becoming emotional while writing; it’s normal. Sometimes the emotions we repress about ourselves are the by-product of how others have made us feel about ourselves.

Remember it’s just you, your pen, and paper. It’s a safe space for you to be emotional and truthful. It takes time, patience, and daily work, but it’s reprogramming you to open up many opportunities for the future because the people, places, and things that are meant for you have no choice but to find you. It’s up to you to stand true in who you are and become authentic and receptive to all that is for you.

Kinsale Hueston